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  • How does Homes & Zones earn revenue?
    Homes & Zones generates revenue by offering premium services to businesses. One of these services includes providing options for exclusive referrals, where businesses receive leads that aren't shared with other companies. We also offer a concierge service that connects prospects to vendors through a personalized, 3-way call, ensuring a warm introduction and increasing the likelihood of a successful business relationship. These added-value services allow us to support our not-for-profit mission while helping businesses grow.
  • What is the cost to join Homes & Zones?
    Homes & Zones is free to join for businesses. We operate as a not-for-profit network, meaning you can participate in our community and benefit from shared referrals without any upfront cost. However, we also offer premium services, such as exclusive referrals and a concierge service, which are available at an additional fee.
  • How do I receive referrals through Homes & Zones?
    Once you're part of our network, you can receive referrals in two ways: through our shared referral program or by opting for exclusive referrals. Shared referrals are distributed among multiple businesses in your industry, while exclusive referrals are provided only to your company. When a referral matches your business services, you'll be notified via email and text, giving you the opportunity to connect with new clients.
  • How does Homes & Zones use omnibus surveys to generate referrals?
    Homes & Zones conducts regular omnibus surveys within its network to gather valuable insights from businesses and prospects. These surveys help identify current needs, preferences, and potential service gaps. Based on the survey responses, we match businesses with prospects who are actively looking for their specific services. This approach allows us to provide more targeted and relevant referrals, increasing the chances of successful connections between businesses and potential clients. Learn More
  • What is the Homes & Zones single-serve survey, and how does it work?
    The single-serve survey is a targeted survey used by Homes & Zones to match businesses with specific prospects. Instead of a broad approach, the single-serve survey is customized for an individual business, focusing on finding prospects who are actively seeking the services that business provides. Once the survey identifies potential leads, we connect those prospects directly to the business, ensuring a more personalized and relevant referral experience. This method helps businesses receive highly qualified leads tailored to their offerings. Learn More
  • How does Homes & Zones help businesses with the Digital Adoption Grant?
    Homes & Zones assists businesses in accessing the Digital Adoption Grant, which facilitates funding to help companies improve their online presence and digital capabilities. We connect businesses with digital marketing professionals who offer services like website development, SEO audits, and online strategy improvements. Through the grant, businesses can receive up to $2,000 to cover these services, making it easier and more affordable to adopt new digital tools and strategies that enhance their competitiveness in the market.
  • Where is Homes & Zones available?
    Homes & Zones initially launched in Canada but has since expanded its services to businesses in the United States as well. Whether you're based in Canada or the U.S., you can join our network and benefit from our referral programs and premium services, designed to help businesses grow through quality connections.
  • How can I enroll my business in Homes & Zones?
    Enrolling your business in Homes & Zones is easy. Simply call us at +1-647-243-2201 or send an email to and our team will guide you through the process. You'll be able to join our network, start receiving referrals, and explore the premium services we offer to help your business grow.
  • How does Homes & Zones use AI technology to support businesses?
    Homes & Zones leverages AI technology to provide 24-hour support, ensuring your business gets help whenever you need it. Our AI-powered systems are designed to answer common questions, assist with enrollment, and provide general assistance after regular business hours. This technology allows us to offer continuous support while ensuring that businesses receive the information and help they need efficiently.
  • Can I customize the types of referrals I receive through Homes & Zones?
    Yes, Homes & Zones allows you to customize the types of referrals you receive by selecting your business category and service offerings. This ensures that you only get leads relevant to your industry and business needs. Additionally, with our premium exclusive referrals and concierge services, you can further tailor your referral experience.
  • How soon can I expect to start receiving referrals after enrolling?
    After enrolling, you can typically start receiving referrals within a few days, depending on the demand for your services within the network. We match businesses with relevant leads as soon as opportunities arise, and you will be notified via email and text when a referral is assigned to your business.
  • Is there a contract or long-term commitment required to join Homes & Zones?
    No, there is no long-term commitment or contract required to join Homes & Zones. You can participate in our referral program on a flexible, no-obligation basis, and you can pause or update your participation at any time. Premium services, such as exclusive referrals, are also offered on a flexible basis with no long-term contracts.
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